
Congressional Outreach

Government websites can be complicated and convoluted. The Sanders Institute has brought together a number of links that may be useful as you navigate these websites.


A list of the Senators and their contact information.


A current list of legislation detailing the popular titles and subjects, agency and program authorization, appropriations, and budget(s) for the fiscal year.


The Senate raw vote tallies. Click on the bill number to get the roll call votes so you can see how your Senators voted.

House of Representatives

A list of Members of Congress and their contact information.

House of Representatives

The House of Representative's main webpage which includes links to the most viewed bills, bill searches and lists, and current legislative activities.

House of Representatives

The House of Representative's raw vote tallies. Click on the bill number to get the roll call and see how your Members of Congress voted.

Library of Congress

The official Library of Congress website with trending searches and other academic research.